sculpture and drawing

Small and large scale works for sale or commission, 
for interiors, gardens and public sites





IN AND OUT OF THE WATER - community project

Starting the story of the Water Bench


  Step 1: As public artist my role starts with research into the history of the site, wildlife (current, hoped for and feared) and local stories and myths.
I started with conversations with the EPIC team and landowner, went on to find library books, looked at online sites then continued by talking to local people through a series of workshops

  Step 2: Was practical workshops with local people on 6th, 29th October and 2nd November 2019, where we talked about the site, its stories, wildlife, history and future and made drawings in charcoal and chalk - then went on to create some of the designs as droplets in two cement colours  

This was included as part of the national project 


We had lots of contributions in the form of droplet drawings, ideas and stories about the river and the site during the first workshop.  

Here is a picture of the results

click to picture enlarge

each cement droplet was then made on a wire structure like this one below
This was the sample



These are some of the droplets that were made by local people and helpers

There is no paint used.  The colours are different toned cements

 at the Harriet Johnson Centre


  This is how the final design for the cement bench back was arranged with the drawings fixed onto the watery wire display so that every theme discussed was represented as well as some of the important elements that came out of the research .

The watery wire structure made for the display was actually used inside the cement bench



  click on either of these below for a key to the images used on the bench droplets  

Step3: The making of the Water Bench

Click here for pictures of the 

Water Bench being made and moved



Click here for a printable explanation of the themes and references

This is how it turned out
Water Bench front
click for enlargement

Water Bench back
click for enlargement


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© Janine Creaye.  All rights reserved